Your participation in postings, pictures, links and your responses to other student's posts will determine your final grade. The goal of this blog is to supplement what has been discussed, read or written in class. Occasionally I will post a query or task with the expectation that you will eagerly respond. The same respect and diplomacy that is expected of you in the classroom extends to blogging space.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Schools almost over!!
So guys, it's the end of the year, thus the end of English till next year, what was your favourite part of the year( favourite unit, book, class discussion etc or just best aspect of the class).
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Poetry Cafe
What did everyone think about the poetry cafe today? Did anybody come across any interesting poems? We found a couple of good ones at our table from both the books at the front and from other classmates.
End of the Year
Now that it's the end of the year, with summer looming before us, I was wondering what everybody's plans for the vacation were? And do you think we should have a party on the last day of class?
Sunday, June 8, 2008
When is the poetry analysis-majig due? Because apparently it's due tomorrow, but I don't remember hearing that (and yes, I do listen in class).
Friday, June 6, 2008
Your own poetry.
I was wondering if anyone wanted to share some of the poetry they've written, whether it was for English in the past couple of years or just for yourself. If you want you can give a brief explanation, or you could just leave it up for interpretation.
I'll start off, I guess. This poem is about my step dad's mother.
Dissecting Dolly
Withering wrinkles
shield her face.
I could count them
I would be a math
For show-and-tell
in social studies,
she would re-enact
the American Revolution
in detailed description.
In science,
I could dissect her frown lines.
Chemical creations
from her dress.
She shall not
come to English
if she did,
she might read
this poem.
I'll start off, I guess. This poem is about my step dad's mother.
Dissecting Dolly
Withering wrinkles
shield her face.
I could count them
I would be a math
For show-and-tell
in social studies,
she would re-enact
the American Revolution
in detailed description.
In science,
I could dissect her frown lines.
Chemical creations
from her dress.
She shall not
come to English
if she did,
she might read
this poem.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Okay, Okay.
Thanks for your patience.As most of you know I have been struggling the last two weeks with tonsilitus. This has made it difficult to keep your marking up to date. Bear with me! I know some of you are still having trouble getting started on the blog, so I will pose a simple question for you: Please share with the class one of your favourite poems of all time. You are not required to post the poem unless you want to. Just the title and authour will do. Check out what everyone posts and see if you guys have any poems in common. Remember, when I say poems it can be anything from Dr.Suess to Homer. As for your marks, they are based on your ongoing participation specified in the rubric I handed out at the beginning of the semester. Thank you for your feedback. I had expected that you would be able to be more independent at this point in the term. (posing your own questions and promts)Those of you who are posting are doing a great job. In an attempt to make blogging easier for you, I will post some more questions/promts over the next week.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
If I ran the internet
What did everyone think of that video ms clifford showed us this morning?
Hilarious? Rude? inspiring?
Comments please!
What did everyone think of that video ms clifford showed us this morning?
Hilarious? Rude? inspiring?
Comments please!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Our latest Poems
So, after having read the two poems we had for homework, I must say I was somewhat brought down. They were both very difficult poems in a sense, and they left me feeling sort of depressed about the world and the people in it. Though I know that both poems hold a lot of truth in what they are trying to say, I them, for lack of a better word, sad, but true. Does anyone else feel this way? If not, what did you think of the poems?
I was wondering if anyone else was having trouble writing on the blog if barely anyone posts anything? I know a few people have been posting lately but I am finding it hard to write about anything and I also kind of forget about it just because we don't use it enough.
I was just wondering what people we were thinking about the blog now. Also does anyone know how much this is worth for our mark?
I was just wondering what people we were thinking about the blog now. Also does anyone know how much this is worth for our mark?
Thursday, May 29, 2008
I Am Canadian
We talked in class today about Canadian patriotism and how it is beginning to get out of hand. What does everyone think about the direction Canadians are going with being patriotic? Do you think people's views on Canada are changing around the world? Why do you think Canadians have become like that?
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
We discussed Ballads in class today, as well as looked at a couple of examples. Can anyone name any well known ballads, whether they be songs, children's literature, etc.
What do you think is so appealing about ballads in general?
What do you think is so appealing about ballads in general?
So does anyone want to predict the day we will get our essay's back? Also how does everyone feel about their work?
Falling Words
Okay, so we discused this in class today, that words are being over used and changed because of the text we (students) use them in, like the words "Awsome, Gay, and Epic." I just wanted to know why we use these words this way, instead of saying them for what they really mean? And what do you guys all think about our society today.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
So poetry...That subject that everyone loves, or rather dislikes. I just wanted to know peoples' opinions on poetry. I personally dislike the various rules and regulations that comes with the whole writing them thing. Also, i have no idea what most poets are talking about. I find this rather frustrating to be truly honest. Anyways what do you guys think?
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Religion or the idea of religion?
After spending the past two classes defending our theses, I started thinking more about faith in Pi's life. It seems more like he's just in love with the idea of religion rather than the purpose of religion. When defending his animal story he says something along the lines of "it's the more interesting one", which comes off to me as ridiculously naive because, even though we'd rather hear a better story, it being a fabrication doesn't make it more useful. Moreover, when talking about his religions, Pi never mentions anything in particular about why he follows them, other than that they make him feel good or feel safe. It never really seems like Pi is that connected to any of the central messages in his religions (though they do share love and devotion as a common motif), especially seeing as they often contradict each other. His favourite parts of religion often seem to be how the stories are interesting. Furthermore, Pi abandons some of his major beliefs when stranded in his lifeboat, such as being a vegetarian. If he's really as "devoted" as he claims to be, wouldn't he rather put his beliefs before his life? While Martel makes a good point about faith and the proof (or lack thereof) behind it, I can't help but be annoyed with Pi's naivety.
In your opinion, do you think Pi is truly devoted? Do you think that it's healthy to believe in something just because it offers a sense of security?
In your opinion, do you think Pi is truly devoted? Do you think that it's healthy to believe in something just because it offers a sense of security?
Thursday, May 15, 2008
zeros and ones
I was looking for page numbers for the quotes in my essay and noticed something about the page numbers:
all of the 1's are upper case I's and the 0's are lower case o's.
It's the same with the chapters.
Googling it, I didn't really have any results come up.
Anyone care to share some light on this? Or did anyone else notice this?
all of the 1's are upper case I's and the 0's are lower case o's.
It's the same with the chapters.
Googling it, I didn't really have any results come up.
Anyone care to share some light on this? Or did anyone else notice this?
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
"My Brother"
After reading to the end, I began to wonder what - if any - the significance of the "blind man" Pi met out at sea was, as well as why the term "brother" was used. I also began to wonder if there was any significance to Pi's blindness throughout this portion of the story. Did it have any significance other than to make the story a bit more interesting?
Monday, May 12, 2008
Life of Pi Movie
Just a few minutes ago, I saw a Life of Pi movie mentioned, schedualed for 2009.
What do you guys think?
Is this a book that could make a good movie?
(it's still in preproduction (whatever that means) but here's a tiny bit of info
What do you guys think?
Is this a book that could make a good movie?
(it's still in preproduction (whatever that means) but here's a tiny bit of info
Friday, May 9, 2008
Life of Piety?
After writing the mid-novel test, one of the vocab words really stood out to me...
pi·e·ty (pī'ĭ-tē)
n., pl. -ties.
pi·e·ty (pī'ĭ-tē)
n., pl. -ties.
- The state or quality of being pious, especially:
- Religious devotion and reverence to God.
- Religious devotion and reverence to God.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
The island.
The significance of the island is one of the only things left unexplained. What do you think it represents?
The End
For all the people who have finished the book. What are your feelings about the ending? Which of the two tales Pi tells do you think is the truth?
Pi's Supply List
I'm not really sure if this means anything, or if it's a big deal at all, but I wanted to discuss it. When Pi is listing supplies on the boat, he ends with "1 God", on p. 162. I thought this was interesting because Pi believes in three religions, one being Hinduism. Hindus believe in a number of gods, but he only lists one. What are your feelings on this, if any?
Monday, May 5, 2008
Is ignorance bliss?
We talked about this before the weekend briefly in class, and I'd like to hear your thoughts.
Do you prefer to live in a happy, carefree bubble? Rr would you prefer to be aware of the suffering around the rest of the world, a world where we actually need organizations like Amnesty International to protect human rights, where 1.1 billion people don't have access to safe water, children are forced into armies (plus, do you remember this picture? )
Be honest.
Do you prefer to live in a happy, carefree bubble? Rr would you prefer to be aware of the suffering around the rest of the world, a world where we actually need organizations like Amnesty International to protect human rights, where 1.1 billion people don't have access to safe water, children are forced into armies (plus, do you remember this picture? )
Be honest.
Like or Dislike?
What do you think of the book so far? Good? Bad? I know we discussed it in class but we didn't get to everybody and I was just curious to know what people thought.
Personally I don't find the book that entertaining but I am interested to see what happens.
Personally I don't find the book that entertaining but I am interested to see what happens.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Pi's religions
Does Pi's multi-religion lifestyle appeal to any of you? Are any of you very opposed to it, o the tune of "someone should only worship one god"? Does the idea of many religions seem like it would get a little confusing as it does to me?
Yet he was intrigued by some of the extraordinary interpretations of his contradictory lines by these connoisseurs. Sometimes, after reading them, he would say: "Yes, that is a most ingenious idea. Maybe I did really mean that. Wish I had thought of it!" He was fascinated also by their imputations of the influence on his work of certain ancient classics which sometimes he had not even read. But rather than admit his ignorance, he would immediately remedy the deficiency, get hold of the boring book and plough or skip through it.
Caitlin Thomas: "My Life with Dylan Thomas; A Double Drink Story"
An authors perspective on symbolism...
Caitlin Thomas: "My Life with Dylan Thomas; A Double Drink Story"
An authors perspective on symbolism...
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
In addition to our last question about truth in fiction...

What is gained or lost in studying a work of fiction alongside a historical unit of study? For example, is it beneficial to watch/read a fictitious movie/book such as, "The Other Boleyn Girl" while you are studying the history of British rule? Many universities are pushing this type of education. Do you agree with it? (for those of you who don't know, Anne Boleyn was the second wife of Henry VIII. She was sentenced to death and beheaded by her husband- The King of England. She had a sister who was rumored to be one of the Kings mistresses around the same time)
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I found these two qutoes in the life of Pi and I thought they were really interesting. Do you think they are true? Do they make sense to you? Do they relate to life in any way?
"To chose doubt as a philosophy of life is akin to choosing immobility as a a means of transportation."
"That which sustains the universe beyond thought and language, and that which is at the core of us and struggles for expression, is the same thing. The finite within the infinite, the infinite within the finite."
"To chose doubt as a philosophy of life is akin to choosing immobility as a a means of transportation."
"That which sustains the universe beyond thought and language, and that which is at the core of us and struggles for expression, is the same thing. The finite within the infinite, the infinite within the finite."
Sunday, April 27, 2008
I was flipping through one of my favourite novels today, A Clockwork Orange, and I came across this quote. I thought it'd be a good one to discuss.
Any comments?
"Does God want goodness or the choice of goodness? Is a man who chooses to be bad
perhaps in some way better than a man who has the good imposed upon him?"
Any comments?
Friday, April 25, 2008
The Life of PI
For those of you who have started the Life of Pi what do you think so far? When I read it the first time, I found it slow at first to get into, are you finding that as well? Finally, do you like how the author writes?
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Final Project
Has anyone else felt as if we were not given enough class time for this project or that since Ms. Clifford was not in class that it was more difficult to know what exactly the project was to look like.
Also did anyone remember to give in their hand outs on friday?
Also did anyone remember to give in their hand outs on friday?
Monday, April 14, 2008
Whether you have finished, or are close to being finished "The Kite Runner", do you think that your ideas and knowledge of Afghanistan, have changed? Have your opinion(s) of Afghanistan's political and social state changed?
Saturday, April 12, 2008
What do you think the significance is of Amir and Soraya's inability to have a child?
Share your thoughts with the class because I'm sure there are a lot of opinions that can be expressed on this topic. Is it because they are just physically not able to? They dont want to? their history doesnt allow it? Why do they have this inability?
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I know Amir has been high on the topic list, but what do you guys think about the other characters in this book. Like Hassan and his unquestioned loyalty towards Amir, and how hard it would have been for him knowing that Amir knew about his rape and that he framed him. Or Baba and the way he treated Amir, comparing him to Hassan, Amir always struggling for attention.
Monday, April 7, 2008
- The Kite -
After doing some thinking about what the kite and the snow actually mean in terms of "The Kite Runner", I began to wonder what other people thought - I always seemed to come back to the conclusion that these two items were symbols of Amir and Hassan's friendship.
Are there any other ideas on what this may be a metaphor of?
Are there any other ideas on what this may be a metaphor of?
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Amir has been a very interesting protagonist since the beginning of the book. How do you feel about him (like or dislike, and why)? How do you feel about some of his actions? Are they justifiable, and if not then why? How do you think he'll change throughout the course of the novel?
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
History of Afghanistan
The Kite Runner.
Hey guys, I found this video, and I thought it was really significant to what we're doing right now in class.
Monday, March 31, 2008
So we spent the class today researching articles about Afghanistan - I know we found some interesting things, and really noticed that people tend to focus on the killings and deaths, but don't explain the circumstances surrounding the events...
What did everyone else find!?
What did everyone else find!?
Friday, March 28, 2008
How's Every Ones Break?
Hey Adrian here just wondering what every one has been up too trying not to seem like a creeper just tired of this blog never been updated even though its break, its an awesome way to stay connected.
So to start off I
I'll say something
I've been taking driving lessons with young drivers so I will probably have my N in a month or so,
and I got a haircut....
now people....Go!
So to start off I
I'll say something
I've been taking driving lessons with young drivers so I will probably have my N in a month or so,
and I got a haircut....
now people....Go!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Hills like White Elephants
I know we discussed this in class today but I would like to know how you felt about the story after finding out it was about abortion. What did you think about the man's response "it's a simple procedure."? What did you think about the woman's response to the situation?
Heart of a man
In the story, "Brooms for Sale" the author said that the main character had the heart of a man. We had a discussion about this in class, about why it was said and the meanings behind it.
I believe the reason men are considered to have a "stronger heart" (spirit wise) is because women are more open about there emotions. Men try to hide there emotions as the slug it out.
Your thoughts?
I believe the reason men are considered to have a "stronger heart" (spirit wise) is because women are more open about there emotions. Men try to hide there emotions as the slug it out.
Your thoughts?
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Mirror Image
I know we have a discussion about Mirror Image already, but I wanted to ask your opinions on something specifically said in this story. At the part when Alice and Jenny are watching the reporter on the television talking to Mrs. Jarred, the reporter asks Mrs. Jarred if science has gone too far. Do you think that if someone in the world today had a brain transplant, you would agree or think that science has gone too far? and should they consider things further before doing something like that?
Monday, March 10, 2008
Seating Plan
So as we all know, we're finally being put into a seating plan. Just wondering people's opinions about it. I don't know about you guys, but the group I'm sitting with right now, I work well with. I worked with them with the Othello project, and we got an A, and there was only 3 of us. Don't take this the wrong way Ms. Clifford, feel free to discuss it too. I just thought I'd put it up there.
Canadian Government Limiting freedom of expression.
I know that this post is very different from any others that have been put up, but I thought it was very relevent to discuss. So, this is something my parents brought up the other night at dinner, apparently the Canadian federal government has passed a bill the will limit funding, cease funding for arts etc that they find to be innapropriate for Canadians to view. This is an excerpt from an article talking about some aspects from this bill. I you think that this is something important or valid that you would like to respond to please do so. What do you think about it, is it something we should be worrying about, do you think that it could lead to a more drastic censorship of arts?
A new bill that would give the federal Heritage Department the power to deny funding for films and TV shows it considers offensive is creating shock waves in the industry.
Changes now before the Senate to the Income Tax Act that would allow the federal government to cancel tax credits for projects thought to be offensive or not in the public interest. The amendments have already been passed in the House of Commons.
The amendment to Bill C-10 would allow the Heritage Minister to deny tax credits for Canadian productions, even if federal agencies such as Telefilm and the Canadian Television Fund have invested in the production.
'It sounds like something they do in Beijing.'— Director David Cronenberg
This excerpt was from the cbc news website, so if you want more info heres the link:
A new bill that would give the federal Heritage Department the power to deny funding for films and TV shows it considers offensive is creating shock waves in the industry.
Changes now before the Senate to the Income Tax Act that would allow the federal government to cancel tax credits for projects thought to be offensive or not in the public interest. The amendments have already been passed in the House of Commons.
The amendment to Bill C-10 would allow the Heritage Minister to deny tax credits for Canadian productions, even if federal agencies such as Telefilm and the Canadian Television Fund have invested in the production.
'It sounds like something they do in Beijing.'— Director David Cronenberg
This excerpt was from the cbc news website, so if you want more info heres the link:
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Mirror Image
So on Friday we were given the short story "Mirror Image". For those of you who have read it, what was you first impression of the story as you began to read? Did it turn out how you expected it to?
Thursday, March 6, 2008
After the Sirens
This week we read the story "After the Sirens". Now, I'm pretty sure most people would agree that a nuclear attack is a terrible thing to have happen, but do you think that any of us really thinks about it that as something that could threaten us. It almost seems too far fetched, even the thought of any kind of attack seems like something that could never happen to us, but what if it did? What do you think you would do if you heard that Victoria was going to be attacked? Would you be able to stay calm and controlled like the characters in the story or would you basically go into a state of shock and/or hysteria?
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Gentlemen, Your Verdict
In the short story "Gentlemen, Your Verdict" do you think the captain's decision was justified? Do you think that he had the right to choose who would live and who would die? Would you make the same decision?
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Since we're starting short stories soon, I was thinking about why I hate them. What makes a story interesting for you? Why do you love some stories and dislike others?
For me it's character development. If there's a fantastic plot and terrible characters, the story is automatically pretty dull for me. On the other hand, if the characters are great and the plot is really boring, I can still like it. With short stories there isn't a lot of room for character development, so it mostly only focuses on the main theme.
For me it's character development. If there's a fantastic plot and terrible characters, the story is automatically pretty dull for me. On the other hand, if the characters are great and the plot is really boring, I can still like it. With short stories there isn't a lot of room for character development, so it mostly only focuses on the main theme.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Desdemona's Death
In class we discreetly discussed the reasons why Desdemona didn't seem to fight back at Othello when he told her he was going to murder her. Do you think she just accepted the fact that he would have killed her anyway? Why do you think she would ask to live for another night or day but still die in the end, and what would she have done in that night or day if she was given it? Present your reasons why you think she didn't use self defence and what you would do if you were in Desdemona's position at that time.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Movie Comparison
We spent today's class watching two different versions of Act 4 and Act 5. Which one did you like better, "Othello" or "O"? Why? Do you think the directors interpreted the text properly? What would you have done differently if you were the director?
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Positive Or Negative Loss of Control
In class today we talked about is it ever justifiable to lose control of your emotions. The point about whether it is bad or good to lose control was discussed. But what if you lose control of your emotions in a positive way? Is that good or bad? What's the difference?
Emotional Turmoil
Some people say that it is bad to bottle up your emotions and yet there are others that believe that showing these emotions can be viewed as a weakness to be exploited by others. What are everyones views on this subject?
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Evil or Good?
Some people think that there is mostly good in this world and some think that there is mostly evil in this world. But it can't possibly be both...or can it. In my opinion I think the world is naturally evil because we are all born evil and have evil minds from the beginning of our lives. Just think about when you were young, you always got in trouble and always whined and cryed about random stuff. But if you were good inside, you wouldn't be crying because you wouldn't need to cry because with evil comes sadness.
What are your thoughts? I want to know... :)
What are your thoughts? I want to know... :)
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Question 5: p. 170
Outline/Discuss the argument tha tIago uses to comletely change Othello's thougthts from absolute love to distrust. Based on your own media experiences, determine how plausible this scenario might be.
Also, Iago says to Othello, "Men should be what they seem" (line 126)
a) how dangerous might it be to operate on such an assumption? In your experience does this statement hold true?
Also, Iago says to Othello, "Men should be what they seem" (line 126)
a) how dangerous might it be to operate on such an assumption? In your experience does this statement hold true?
Question 4: p.170
Sunday, February 17, 2008
The hockey cards.
What is your opinion on the amount of time we have to do the project.
Should we have more class time, or an extended due date?
My group is finding it is difficult to find a time where six people are all able to meet at once.
Should we have more class time, or an extended due date?
My group is finding it is difficult to find a time where six people are all able to meet at once.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Othello believing Iago over Desdemona
Today in class we were talking about Othello believing that Desdemona was cheating with Cassio all because of Iago saying she was. I was just wondering why Othello trusts Iago more than he trusts Desdemona and I would like to know your thoughts on this.
Desdemona and him had to go through a lot of trouble to be together, which shows how dedicated she is to him and how much she loves him. But then all of a sudden Othello doesn't trust her anymore and thinks that she is cheating because Iago said she was. How can he just throw away that trust and believe someone else?
Desdemona and him had to go through a lot of trouble to be together, which shows how dedicated she is to him and how much she loves him. But then all of a sudden Othello doesn't trust her anymore and thinks that she is cheating because Iago said she was. How can he just throw away that trust and believe someone else?
For those of you working on Emilia's character:
"But I do think it is their husbands' faults
If wives do fall. Say that they slack their duties
And pour our treasures into foreign laps'
Or else break out in peevish jealousies,
Throwing restraint upon us;or say they strike us,
Or scant our former havin in despite-
Why, we have galls; and though we have som grace;
Yet we have some revenge. Let husbands know
Their wives have sense like them. THey see, and smell,
And have their palates both for sweet and sour,
As husbands have. What is it they do
When they change us for others? Is it sport?
I think it is. And doth affection breed it?
I think it doth. Is't frailty that tus errs?
It is so too. And have not we affections,
Desires for sport, and frailty, as men have?
Then let them use us well; else let them know,
The ills we do, their ills instruct us so." (4.3.83-100)
If wives do fall. Say that they slack their duties
And pour our treasures into foreign laps'
Or else break out in peevish jealousies,
Throwing restraint upon us;or say they strike us,
Or scant our former havin in despite-
Why, we have galls; and though we have som grace;
Yet we have some revenge. Let husbands know
Their wives have sense like them. THey see, and smell,
And have their palates both for sweet and sour,
As husbands have. What is it they do
When they change us for others? Is it sport?
I think it is. And doth affection breed it?
I think it doth. Is't frailty that tus errs?
It is so too. And have not we affections,
Desires for sport, and frailty, as men have?
Then let them use us well; else let them know,
The ills we do, their ills instruct us so." (4.3.83-100)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Why Did Shakespear Write The Way He Did?
I was just thinking about what we were talking about in class a bit the other day - "why did Shakespeare write the characters and the themes he did?"
It got me thinking... Why exactly did Shakespeare write the stories he wrote? Could it just have been for the sake of it, could there actually be nothing deeper than the text itself? Are historians just on a "wild goose chase" looking for some deeper meaning?
There are so many possibilities as to why Shakespeare could have written the stories he wrote. Where do you guys think he got his motivation for the characters and/or the themes?
It got me thinking... Why exactly did Shakespeare write the stories he wrote? Could it just have been for the sake of it, could there actually be nothing deeper than the text itself? Are historians just on a "wild goose chase" looking for some deeper meaning?
There are so many possibilities as to why Shakespeare could have written the stories he wrote. Where do you guys think he got his motivation for the characters and/or the themes?
So, I was just thinking about the characters in Othello and why I either really like them or dislike them. Who are your favourite and least favourite characters so far, and why?
Feel free to also talk about characters in Shakespeare's other works, if you want.
My favourite character in Othello is probably Roderigo, closely followed by Iago. Roderigo intrigues me because of his naivety. I want to know more about him and why he's so in love with Desdemona. Is he normally so weak and trusting, or is he just desperate? Do the other characters see Roderigo as weak?
My least favourite character is probably Othello, just because he's kind of... boring. I guess we'll see more sides of him later in the play, but so far all he seems to do is say "I love you" to Desdemona and do military stuff.
Feel free to also talk about characters in Shakespeare's other works, if you want.
My favourite character in Othello is probably Roderigo, closely followed by Iago. Roderigo intrigues me because of his naivety. I want to know more about him and why he's so in love with Desdemona. Is he normally so weak and trusting, or is he just desperate? Do the other characters see Roderigo as weak?
My least favourite character is probably Othello, just because he's kind of... boring. I guess we'll see more sides of him later in the play, but so far all he seems to do is say "I love you" to Desdemona and do military stuff.
So we've all presumeably read Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth and now Othello. Some of you have probably read other works. So which of Shakepeare's works is your favorite? Your least favorite? The one that strikes you the closest to your core? Please answer and provide reasons why.
So, in Othello, we are always dicussing and reading about Iago, Roderigo, Othello, and other male characters in the book. I was wondering what people in the class thought of the females in the book?( Desedmona, Emilia, and Bianca.) What control or power do they have in the book?
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
p. 86 Question 4
Iago obviously doesn't care at all about Roderigo. He does, though,seem to care about Roderigo's money. Do you think Iago really wants only Roderigo's wealth, or does he have some other motive? Discuss this situation with other bloggers and try to decide what is really going on here.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Question 7 p.61

In his soliloquy, Iago seems to confess everything to the audience bt letting them in on his secret. Why does he do this- to gain sympathy? To show how how clever or superior he is? To suggest that his method is the best on for survival? or that such behaviour is a source of "fun"? To best everyone else because he is the only person using "reason" to succeed? Because he is truly, and justifiably, a bitter person? Because he is misunderstood? Profile this vile creature for us if you dare.
Question 4 p. 60
The session with the Duke raises the question, "What takes precedence, individual rights or the needs of the state?" You know what Mailer would say.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Shakespeare's Audiences
What do you know so far about Shakespeare's audiences? Are you familiar with the Globe Theatre? How much do you know about the Elizabethan era? Feel free to pump some info out to the class as we'll be discussing these important/invigorating topics tomorrow. Blog on.
Monday, January 28, 2008

Welcome to our class blog! As our first task, I would like everyone to share one of their favorite books with the class. The latest book I read was "No Country For Old Men" by Cormac McCarthy. It is full of rich themes, is totally accessible and the character development is phenomenal. If you've read this book or seen the movie I'd love to know what you think! Post away!(There is a worthy contender to Iago in this book/movie)
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