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Wednesday, February 13, 2008


So, I was just thinking about the characters in Othello and why I either really like them or dislike them. Who are your favourite and least favourite characters so far, and why?

Feel free to also talk about characters in Shakespeare's other works, if you want.

My favourite character in Othello is probably Roderigo, closely followed by Iago. Roderigo intrigues me because of his naivety. I want to know more about him and why he's so in love with Desdemona. Is he normally so weak and trusting, or is he just desperate? Do the other characters see Roderigo as weak?

My least favourite character is probably Othello, just because he's kind of... boring. I guess we'll see more sides of him later in the play, but so far all he seems to do is say "I love you" to Desdemona and do military stuff.


Crls Spncr said...

I must say I have very little respect for Roderigo. He is a tool (litteraly) for Iago to use. "Tush! never tell me; I take it much unkindly / That thou, Iago, who hast had my purse / As if the strings were thine, shouldst know of this" (1.1.1-3)
Iago uses him for his own goals and Roderigo offers all his finances to Iago. He is a sucker, through and through.

He is also afraid to do anything about the Desdemona situation. He's in love; first of all what I understood from Act one, he didn't try to hard when she was single, except maybe bribe her a bit. Second of all, he should take Cassio's example. Cassio's not intimidated by Desdemona being married to Othello, so why doesn't Roderigo to even talk to her, even just as friends?

Also, in response to Stephanie's original post, I don't think naivity is cute in anyone except for kids, especially not grown up army-type men.

Stephanie! said...

I never said that I found naivety cute, nor do I have much respect for Roderigo. That doesn't mean that I don't like him as a character, however. His weaknesses are what make him interesting. Similarly, I have little to no respect for Iago, but the actions that cost him my respect are the ones on which the play's conflict relies.

aaujla said...

I would like to know more about Othello. Im guessing we will since theres a whole play named after him..but its taking a while for the story to elaborate on him and like Stephanie said all he does is tell Desdemona that he loves her and make commands to his officers.

I really do not like Iago at all, for the obvious reasons that he is manipulative and almost obsessive, but it also makes me think of what kind of person Roderigo is for going along with this. Maybe he isnt getting much attention or praise from the other officers and probably being ignored my Desdemona so this could possibly lead to why he is breathing on every word of Iago, who is the only person really to talk to him.

Iago is probably really insecure about aspects of his life so he is making sure that he has some control over the situation by bossing Roderigo around.

Crls Spncr said...

Even though the play is technically about Othello, Iago plays a bigger role and has way more lines (don't remember where I read that, GOOGLE MAGIC!).

Brandie said...

My favorite character in Othello has to be Iago because he is so decieving and has an organized plan to gain power. Right from the beginning of the play you saw his true personality and to me that made it more interesting to read to see how his plan would unfold in the play. Though I have always wondered why he can get away with his lies and not get caught up in them.

kristin said...

My favourite character so far it is Desdemona because of how strong she seems to be. She is very determined and strong for being a generals wife. She went against her father and society and married a black man who was strong enough to become a general.

My least favourite character is Roderigo so far. He just seems so weak and ignorant, and always follows everything Iago says like a dog would his owner. He seems to be obsessed with Desedmona, but doesn't have to balls to either do something or just forget about her and move on. He has so many spots that Iago can just pick at to make him more weak and more obedient. He seems like one of the characters that you really think is going to die because of his stupidity.

perez.hilton said...

One of my favorite characters in Othello, so far, would have to be Desdemona. She seems to have a mysterious side to her. Maybe some sort of unspoken past. I also agree with "ihasturdle" about Desdie being strong in taking a chance in marrying a black man which was crucial in that society. But she did a good job in choosing one that is high status in being a general! I think we will be able to find out more about Desd as we keep reading. Hopefully she will reveal some sort of secrets!

Stephanie! said...

I find it interesting that no one likes pathetic characters. I agree that Desdemona is very confident and strong, but that's what makes her... sort of boring (in my opinion).

What I like about Iago is that he's one of the characters who seems confident, but who probably has some serious issues.

Morgan LP said...
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Morgan LP said...

I think that roderigo has got some issues. But the way I see him, he has some good things about him. He is just far to naive, and allows himself to be led astray constantly. He obviously doesnt have a strong sense of self.
But as for the character i dislike the most.
She makes me furious.
Although, i probably shouldnt judge her yet, as i haven't read that far in the book... but none the less, she is terribly annoying. She reminds me of every irritating girl, who lead guys on for kicks, and that is not okay. Its not okay for a female or a male to do that to anyone. Giving someone false hope says so much about ones character. It's a quality that i despise in people, and i feel that she is doing that right now, and it is making me want to rip the book and throw it.

Morgan LP said...

I take back all I said about Desdemona.
I have finished the play, and I have grown to quite love her.
She really never ever did anything wrong.

D-Clan said...

I find the two characters that stick out to me, are Othello and Iago. Not because of their "main character" status, but because of the way they relate to eachother in the play. Othello is supposed to be the Honourable military general who is decent enough to get Desdemona to fall in love with him. Iago on the other hand is not so lucky but he seems to have the upper hand when it comes to fooling Othello. Iago manipulates Othello in such a way that he turns Othello on his own wife. I think the honourable Othello became very stupid at that point. If Othello is naive enough to jump to conclusions without finding the truth first, then that brings him down to Iago's level in terms of the way he treats people.

Kar said...

I would have to say that my favorite character in "Othello" is Iago. I find him a very interesting character to read about and try to understand. He is a master of manipulation and deceit because of his clever ways. He has power over everyone without them really knowing. He uses the other characters as if they are marionets in his own puppet show. Because the other characters are so oblivious they all seem to turn to Iago for help and advice. He thrives on power and manipulation.