Your participation in postings, pictures, links and your responses to other student's posts will determine your final grade. The goal of this blog is to supplement what has been discussed, read or written in class. Occasionally I will post a query or task with the expectation that you will eagerly respond. The same respect and diplomacy that is expected of you in the classroom extends to blogging space.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Evil or Good?

Some people think that there is mostly good in this world and some think that there is mostly evil in this world. But it can't possibly be both...or can it. In my opinion I think the world is naturally evil because we are all born evil and have evil minds from the beginning of our lives. Just think about when you were young, you always got in trouble and always whined and cryed about random stuff. But if you were good inside, you wouldn't be crying because you wouldn't need to cry because with evil comes sadness.
What are your thoughts? I want to know... :)


Anonymous said...

Like all things in the world, there are to many shades of gray to truly say that humanity is evil or good. But how can you say that we are all born evil? Is an infant thats barely
starting to grasp its mothers hand evil just because it's human? We are not born evil. We as people are shaped and thought of as good or evil by our actions and observing the actions of others.

s.todd said...

Well you see, that baby may appear innocent but what it doesnt know and what we dont know is that its of the evil human nature. I'm not necessarily saying that that peticular baby is innocent in its actions, but that its nature is evil.

Stephanie! said...

People are neither good nor evil. (Having a scientific brain makes me want to just say "we're all just matter, and matter doesn't have any nature at all" but I have a feeling that that's not going to convince you.)

Yes, human beings are selfish. It's human nature to want things and to feel sad. But do any of these things really define "evil"? Another thing that is human nature is to better ourselves, whether it hurts others or not. Furthermore, the fact that we try to change our flaws is definitely not evil.

About the evil-natured baby that Jo-Anne was describing, I would have to agree with nikarmi. People are born innocent, even though that's when they're at the height of their selfishness. Sure, they cry and depend entirely on others, but what else can they do? Moreover, your brain isn't even close to being fully developed as a child. If any of you took psychology 11 you'll probably remember learning about the id, ego, and superego. As a child you act entirely from your id (meaning you want things and have no conscience to hold you back from trying to get them).

Morgan LP said...

Children are born innocent.
How can somebody stand there and tell me that babies are evil. Unless they are from The Omen, i don't think that babies can be evil.
They don't judge, which seems to be the core of everyone's self- confidence issues.
And think about all of the beautiful people in the world, like Ghandi, who have done beautiful things.
I just don't think that the human race can be labeled as just evil.
Selfish, yes. Sententious, yes.
But just plain evil, no. Of course there are exceptions, if you think of someone like Ted Bundy or ed Gein. But those people are FAR from being normal.

K-MCL22 said...

Great questin jo-anne! Everyone in the world has a mix of good and evil. Some people dedicate they lives on making the world a better place and some people do the opposite, suicide bombers. This also depends on religion, culture, and parental raising.

Feanor said...

I do not think that we are born evil, we just gain it naturally. If you give a two year old a knife, which of course nobody would do, and another two year old is playing with them and takes a toy the first one wants, it would seriously harm the child or kill it. Speaking from experience, no matter how twisted this may seem, the only reason I have not killed or harmed someone is because of the consequences.
I believe that humanity is it's own bane.

Adrian Asphyxia said...

We are born Innocent unburdened by evil,the knowledge of deceit and lies, truly untainted by the foulness of the world. Evil is taught and Evil is learned. No creature could be born a sociopath because without being shown morals it would simply never know the difference but its uncommon for any creature to hurt something else intentionally and not feel remorse, don't believe me their are countless cases of Wild animals adopting other abandoned animals out of sympathy even when the other animal is a different species!

And as I've already stated every one "believes" that good is more powerful then evil but evil reaches further and hurts more but all the pain slowly fades and scars heal.

Adam M said...

That's actually a really difficult question. Personally, I think that people are actually bad. I know that everyone sees the good stuff people do, but no matter how much good is done in the world by people, there always seems to be even the slightest hint of selfishness behind every act of kindness, no matter how pure it may seem.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that you can say that humans are born good or evil. Yes, you could say that babies are born unblemished and unchanged by society, but we don't know that for sure. Someone could be born with something wrong with their body chemistry that may lead to a sociopathic nature and there would be no way to tell until something happened to reveal this.

angel.wings said...

there are two sides to every story. it's the same with good and evil. everyone has that little angel on one shoulder and a little devil on the other. what makes us good or evil is defined by our actions. but not all our actions are evil. does one evil act up against a thousand good deeds make us evil? maybe that would if one didn't feel remorse about what evil act they commited. the line between good and evil is in fact very thin. everyone does both good and evil. take Hitler for example, everyone thinks about all his evil deeds, which were truly evil. but then what did he do for his country? he lifted Germany up and made it strong again. i don't think a person should be defined as good or evil, because it's not the person that is evil, it's the wrong doings that are evil. you don't get into heaven soley on the fact that you did nothing but good. and the road to hell is paved with good intentions. you can't tag someone as being good or evil. they're neither. they're in fact, both.

Winnifred said...

I think that we are are created with the capacity for either evil or good, and it's what we choose to do in the rest of our lives that determines our label (good or evil). I agree, however, with "adam m" when he says that every kind action has some hint of selfishness in it: if you see someone dying in the street and don't stop to help them, you will be burdened by guilt. Stopping to help them is a way to relieve that danger: ergo, it is, on some level, selfish.

aaujla said...

This, like many of the other topics that we cover in class is not black and white. There are so many variables that can change the situations. Despite this, I believe that people are good. The majority of society is brought up to act with certain morals and abide by rules and laws. Everyone one has probably gone through rebelious stages in the younger years..but this does not make the an "evil" person.

kristin said...

Evil is defined as doing something morally wrong. Babies don't have or know what morals are, so they can't tell what is evil and what is good. People as a generalization, aren't really evil either. Their are people that do things that are evil, but society can't be all evil, saying so is like stereotyping the people of the world into one catagory. In certain ways we are more good than evil because we try not to be evil. Most people don't want to be evil, it just comes out of us when we reach our own breaking points. The fact that there are points to "break" does mean there is evil in us, but bieng good we keep at bay when we can.

Kar said...

I have to agree with Desiderata in that babies are definently innocent. I think that there really isn't a black and white answer to this question. It is possible to have good AND evil in the world. I do think that all humans have good and bad in them but to me the word "evil" seems a bit extreme. I think that the average person has more good in them than evil. Yes, people have their flaws such as jelousy etc. but that doesnt necessarily mean that people are evil. I think that to say all people are more evil than good is a really negative way of looking at life. I think there is a bit of good in everyone its just harder to find in some people than others. How a person is brought up is also a major factor in whether a person will have more good or bad in them.

Crls Spncr said...

I would like to elaborate on what "stephanie!" said, about humans being selfish.

Humans are selfish FOR A VERY GOOD REASON. It's called SURVIVAL. Humans fend for themselves and their friends and family (essentially their clan, like lion's have prides and moose have herds) before any others. This is a product of evolution.

We are neither good nor evil (maybe with some exceptions, called psycho's), nothing in non-fiction (real life) is. We simply are.

I recommend you read books on the theory of evolution. Books by Darwin, David Attenborough and Richard Dawkwins will grealty improve your knowledge and, for lack of a better term, trains of thought. These books will help you deduce why we are the way we are.

Brandie said...

We are all bad because wether we admit it or not we do tell lies and make choices that we know we shouldn't have made. But not all of us choose to show our bad side and portray an image like Iago does. Deep down nobody is perfect and with imperfections it sometimes brings bad things.