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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Emotional Turmoil

Some people say that it is bad to bottle up your emotions and yet there are others that believe that showing these emotions can be viewed as a weakness to be exploited by others. What are everyones views on this subject?


angel.wings said...

i think that it's good to let out your emotions. as long as you're not crying around all the time just to get attention. that drives people crazy. as long as you recognise that there is a time and a place for it. say you're in the middle of a class and you've been under a lot of stress and it's starting to get to you and you're on the verge of tears. the best thing to do would be to put up your hand, excuse yourself to go to the washroom, and have a good healthy cry.

if you don't occasionally let out what you're feeling, you'll eventually end up in a mental institution drooling into mouldy oatmeal.

D-Clan said...

I think everyone is entitled to show how they feel and "let it out" every once in a while. On the other hand they should have enough self control to find some harmless way of doing so. Anger or sadness is no excuse to destroy or damage a personal possession or even kill a fish. People get sad and angry, it's perfectly natural, but everyone is capable of controlling those emotions so they do not harm themselves or anyone/thing else. Whether people choose to control them is their choice, but it is never justifiable to cause pain to someone/thing else just because that's the way you are feeling.

Winnifred said...

It is, as has been said, healthy to let it all out sometimes, as long as it is in a way that isn't harmful to anyone or anything. Say you are feeling very, very angry and you take it out on you dog or cat... that is very much not okay. But if you are simply having a good cry every once in a while, perhaps screaming into a pillow or making an angry splatter painting, that is okay.

Feanor said...

Anger is something I am accustomed too, the good thing is I have not had a horrible life or been abused but my brother has anger problems. It normally comes out when he's playing video games. He usually gets really snarky and verbally attacks everyone. Also we have gained fist sized
holes in our walls and broken fence post due to him getting frustrated. He obviously does not bottle up his anger which is good in some opinions but it annoys and frustrates every one around him. He has lost friends this way.

Due to growing up with him I have been unable to show any emotions besides anger and happiness that may entitle him to tease me, so now I have very big problems of finding any emotions besides anger, depression, or happiness and any others I subconsciously label them as weak and find anything romantic in the slightest lame and pathetic.

I have it program into my very being that showing sadness and fear is a big weakness.

Stephanie! said...

Like many people have said, there is a time and a place to let out your emotions, and it's definitely all right to cry or let out your feelings in a productive way.

I think that showing emotion can sometimes be the opposite of weakness, but it depends on the circumstances. Having absolutely no feelings isn't human, but throwing a temper tantrum over completely trivial things is slightly pathetic.

Even though I'm someone who always bottles things up until eventually I explode with stress, I think it's better bawl your eyes out than it is to give yourself a mental breakdown.

aaujla said...

I think its health to find a happy medium. Hopefully people have enough confienced in themselves and self control not to burst into tears at any given moment. But there is always a time and place. If youre out in public excuse yourself like "angel.wings" said to be by yourself for a few minutes.

K-MCL22 said...

People should let out their emotions once and while and not keep them bottled up because this can led to stress or depression. There are a lot of ways or techniques for expressing your emotions, but they do not need to be physically harming someone at all. Some people have stated that people need to have self control but everyone has their moments where they get upset, angered, and inraged that they just want to hurt someone. Now, most times civilized people do not harm people, it still does happen. This subject is a gray area in which it depends on the situation and person. Great question though :)

Kar said...

I think that letting your emotions out is definently better than bottling them up. If you keep everything inside then its just going to keep building and eating away at you. Also when a person has so many emotions bottled up that are not being released they can make themselves physically ill. If all of these emotions keep piling up eventually they will overflow or explode and could lead a person to a possible breakdown or fit of rage. I think that if you just empty out emotions as they come then there is a way less change of an emotional outburst. I think people do need to be careful about how they choose to let their emotions out. They need to find constructive rather than destructive ways of letting them out.

kristin said...

Bottling up is not good for most people, there are some cases where some people can do it, but in general it's not good. Bottling your emotions only makes them more intense and harder to hold in, and when that intensity breaks a lot of the time people get hurt. Socially it used to really show weakness in people, but now if you don't show some kind of emotion or cry once in a while you're seen as cold hearted or something is declared wrong about you. It seems to have grown more socially acceptable to show how you feel as long as it's not something that creates to much harm.

Crls Spncr said...

In response to Winnifred's comment,

You said it's alright to let things out "as long as it is in a way that isn't harmful to anyone or anything".

I believe that oversensitivity is overrated. Why are people always so incredibly concerned with other peoples feeling's? A bit of conflict and stife is heathly, or else people become emotionless without anger or sadness.
Without those feelings, happiness would also cease to exist fully as it is now.

s.todd said...

I think that its good to let out your feelings when needed, but you shouldn't freak out and wreck things if there are a lot of intense feelings about. If you are needing to let out some emotions, I think that solving the problem with words really is the best solution, or if no one is around, just punch a bag or squeeze a squeeze ball or yell into a pillow, ya know, those weird things they do on t.v., they really work!
Yes we all have emotions of different kinds that come in different forms in different ways, but we need to take control of those emotions and not let them control us. For example, you dont want to hide them forever because you may just end up living in an institution or being in jail. If you control your emotions, you can live peacefully and never kill anything, emotions are what you make them.

Stephanie! said...

I AGREE COMPLETELY with crls spncr when they said "I believe that oversensitivity is overrated. Why are people always so incredibly concerned with other peoples feeling's?" I think that people are too easily offended and that sometimes they need to really stop and think about why something makes them angry.

A really good way to overcome anger is to write down exactly what you're feeling. Afterwards you'll probably realise just how stupid your reasons were. Not only that, but it's a good way to vent without getting other people involved.

Brandie said...

It's a good thing to show your emotions whether they are good or bad. Everybody has those moments in life where they are really happy and no one can deny them the right to show their happiness in public, even if they are upset or angry they still are allowed to show it. It is not a form of weakness because showing emotion is healthy and you can't keep your emotions bottled up forever. But like "angel wings" said just as long as you don't break down just for attention and that you deal with it in a rational way.

Stoney said...

It really depends on the situation, but for the most part bottling up your emotions can lead to an unpleasant end. When we bottle up our emotions, we have to use soo much energy just to keep those emotions bottled up that it doesn't even seem worh it really, unless you absolutely have to hide your emotions. As humans, we are imperfect beings and we need to release sometimes, and the longer we bottle up our emotions, the bigger the explosion will be when we finally do crack. I also agree with" angel.wings" sometimes the best release is to simply, have a cry, oddly you normally come out feeling better and more relaxed than before. maybe thats why we cry when we are stressed or nervous or sad. who knows.. im sure theres a scientific reason as to why, but im sticking to my theory.

Adam M said...

I do agree with the fact that it is unhealthy to bottle up your emotions, however there is a point as to where emotions should be expressed - for example: if you just lost your job, don't go up to a random person on the side of the street and start crying to them about how you're ruined, remove yourself from the public, go somewhere you know you can obtain comfort, then let it out... I don't believe it's a weakness to show emotion, why would we have been given emotion if we weren't meant to show it?

perez.hilton said...

Almost everyone has stated good comments to answer the quetion and I agree with most of them. For the comment on how you shouldn't be too concerned about others feelings, I think if you have a problem with that person then you should confront them in a mature way and deal out the situation. I know from personal experience, it isn't good to just hold a grudge on your friend when you had a fight with them recently. It's always good to talk to that person, not over the phone, but in person. Preferably not at school, cause then your other friends will hear and get involved. It's good to let your emotions out and talk to someone that you trust and understands what you're going through. It definitely feels better to let yourself go, to that certain extent that you're not depressed & mute from everyone else all the time, and take in advice from someone else.