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Sunday, May 25, 2008


So poetry...That subject that everyone loves, or rather dislikes. I just wanted to know peoples' opinions on poetry. I personally dislike the various rules and regulations that comes with the whole writing them thing. Also, i have no idea what most poets are talking about. I find this rather frustrating to be truly honest. Anyways what do you guys think?


Stephanie! said...

Writing poetry is exponentially better than reading poetry. If I wrote a novel I'd want people to analyze it, but if I wrote a poem I'd just want people to appreciate it. For me, poetry is just thoughts on paper; it really doesn't need to make much sense (though it does need to "sound pretty"), and while others can enjoy it, it's mostly just for yourself.

Poetry is just a combination of words that are aesthetically pleasing to your ears.

s.todd said...

I like poetry, but not when you have to study it or write it, I simply just like to enjoy reading it on my own time however I like. And about the restrictions, they make the poems flow nicely and its pleasing to the ear, but of course too much of that gets annoying.

Adrian Asphyxia said...

Writing poetry is so awesome and freeing but yes the rules aren't any ones favorite thing... But to create a powerful poem With these limitations shows not only you're ability to adapt but to overcome and shine through.

and I understand poets suffering trying to spend their entire lives attempting to describe the ineffable something so indescribable all words fail to grasp it. Its powerful just to imagine

Winnifred said...

Yeah, personally I love poetry, but not having to analyze and/or pick it apart. Song lyrics , I find, can be so much more powerful than simple words because they are poetic and convey messages in a much more interesting way. I like to write poetry when I find the inspiration, but mostly I just write my novel.

Stoney said...

I definatly agree with stephanie, writing poetry is definatly something you do for yourself even if it is something you want to make a point about. I also think that because poetry is so much something for yourself, that that is part of the reason it can make you so vulnerable. I love writing poetry when i want to express something that has been bothering me for a while, as for studying poetry not so much my favourite thing to do.

Ashley said...

Poetry is kind of like when you do a quick just write down what first comes to mind. Sometimes it's completely random like...well...poetry.

I personally like poetry. It shares ideas and thought on a certain topic that may be on your mind. Sharing your poems on the other hand is frustrating, because you never know what people are going to think.

Poems are basically to me, a symbol of who a person is, and they way they think in life.

Brandie said...

I like poetry because it is a way to express feelings and it gives depth to writing. Poetry makes you think and interrupt what the poet was writing about. Poems can also be interrupted in many ways which means there is no right or wrong conclusion brought out by the poem. But I do agree that I don't always like the rules brought with writing poetry.

perez.hilton said...

I personally enjoy writing poetry. When I do though , I don't really follow the "rules" of poetry. I just go with whatever comes and is on my mind, that's what I think poetry should be about. People should be able to just spill their minds and not have to worry about putting their words in some sort of order. I know when I write poems, the "poem rules" don't ever pass my mind..ever.

angel.wings said...

I hate disecting poems. i think that they are meant to be read and enjoyed. analysing them is what makes me dislike poetry. but i love writing it.

kristin said...

Love to write it. Don't mind looking at it and figuring out what the poem is about. Riping it to shreds due to too much analyzing is what turns me away from it.

mike said...

I like poetry because by reading a poem closely and analyzing, sometimes it seems like you can exactly feel what the author felt when he wrote his/her poem.
That makes poems very personal and often also very emotional. I myself am not really good in writing poems or ballads, but sometimes I get really jealous at people that can just write the deepest and best poems without even thinking much.