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Monday, May 5, 2008

Like or Dislike?

What do you think of the book so far? Good? Bad? I know we discussed it in class but we didn't get to everybody and I was just curious to know what people thought.

Personally I don't find the book that entertaining but I am interested to see what happens.


Anonymous said...

Well I'm not sure why people are not liking the book, but that's their opinion. I personally am enjoying the style in which the book is written. The story line is very captivating. I am also very interested on the viewpoints on religion that are expressed in the book. It should be interesting where the author decides to go with that one.

aaujla said...

i know a few people said this in class (me being one of them) but Im not that impressed with the book. Maybe because Ive heard a lot of hype about it so i was expecting more and am now a bit disappointed.
Despite it now being the best book Ive ever read, I am getting hooked and interested to see what will happen with Piscine.

Crls Spncr said...

I am really enjoying the book so far. The lighthearted style he uses to describe Pi and Pi's life is incredibly entertaining, plus all the comedy that's thrown in, sometimes subtly (or not so subtly: the lifeboat manual notes that "yarn spinning is highly recommended").

His interactions and lessons learned from the zoo animals are intesting to start with, but will be even more intriging when we dig for hidden meanings, sybolism (sorry Morgan)and allusions. The attempt to become super alpha is something I look forward to, which seems to be a resounding comment on this book. Almost everyone, even those who dislike it, say they want to know "what happens".

This drive to finish the book is not the only thing that makes it awesome. The fact that he makes such a ridiculously unprobable event have so much verisimilitude (score for using that) is amazing.

K-MCL22 said...

At the beginning of the book, I found it to be to spread out and not to the point. There was to much detail and too much focus on religion. In contrast, Part Two is brillant and grabbing. I am really focused on Richard Parker and want to see wants happens in the end with him. This books makes you realize that human survival is not just physically demanding but psyschologically.

kristin said...

I happen to be really enjoying this book. The beginning was slow, but I found the information to be pretty interesting. When part 2 came around it really pulled me in. There is so much imagery in this book, it's great for the imaginative mind. Richard Parker being a Tiger makes you want to keep reading, and you've got to find out what happens. This book makes you ask so many questions like how will they be saved?, is Richard Parker going to live?, what is going to happen now?, etc.

JacquelineNicole said...

I really enjoy the book (as much as I have read though which is FAR less than we should have read by now) though I am finding it really hard to dedicate to seeing how there is alot of negativity about it.

I have to agree with ms. clifford on the fact that when people are saying the book is boring and such that it just makes it less enjoyable for the rest of the group.

I only wish that we didn't have daily quizes I would enjoy the book much more that I I think.

angel.wings said...

It is an interesting book. Pi is a very complex character and watching him develope his opinions is entertaining to say the least. The author has an amusing and slightly blunt way of writing. The story line is exciting and I can't wait to see what will happen next.

Stephanie! said...

I mostly enjoyed Life of Pi. It was easy to read, and the more I thought about the deeper meanings of the story, the more I wanted to finish it. There was nothing about the plot or characters that especially intrigued me, unlike for basically everyone else who said they liked the book, however putting the pieces together really made me think. Once I reached the very end I was pretty frustrated, but that was mostly only because of the huge amounts of story left up for interpretation and because I felt ripped off at... well, I discussed it in a different post. I'll let you finish the book :P