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Monday, May 12, 2008

Life of Pi Movie

Just a few minutes ago, I saw a Life of Pi movie mentioned, schedualed for 2009.

What do you guys think?
Is this a book that could make a good movie?

(it's still in preproduction (whatever that means) but here's a tiny bit of info


Tracy L said...

Preproduction is all the casting and script writing and what not that needs to be done before they can actually produce the film.

I'm not sure how I feel about it. It could go eithr way, be really good, or terrible. Chances are they will cut it down considerably to fit it in the time frame of a movie. There is a lot in the book.
I'm not sure why, but I'm imagining it like the "Series of Unfortunate Events," with the narrator cutting in every once in awhile.

Stephanie! said...

I think that one of the most important parts about Life of Pi is what's left to the imagination. It was definitely meant to be a novel and not a movie, so I don't think it'll be very good.

Brandie said...

I agree with steph that it should be left to the imagination. I would think that the ending may be ruined because the director may put his own twist on it. Also when books are made into movies they can sometimes leave out parts that may be tiny but make the book that much better.

Adrian Asphyxia said...

Movies usually leave the viewer lacking all the detail and mental hardship that you could only experience by being truly inside the characters head, and The Life of Pi is a book one has to truly experience in order to fully appreciate it.

the life of pi would have to be mainly narration considering the vast majority of the book is told from the life boat and Pi never really seems to try and hold conversations with Mr Richard Parker

Kar said...

I think that this novel should be left as a book. It is a really detailed novel so i think it would be really difficult to portray all of the detail in a movie. I agree with Stephanie! that it should be left up to imagination. I find that some books that that are made into movies just don't do the book any justice. Take The Kite Runner for example, it was an amazing book and the movie just wasn't very good at all.

angel.wings said...

I wouldn't watch it. I would be bored out of my mind. There's not enought substance to the novel for there to be a really good movie.

K-MCL22 said...

I would go to see this movie to see how the director interrupted the ending. I agree with Steph and Brandie and how everyone has their own imagination. People who have read the book have their own preception of the book. I would suggest to have Yann Martel opinions in this film so it can be accuratly protrayed. Another source for this movie is: www. This website will give you up to date information on the movie plus others.

Crls Spncr said...

I think it's gonna suck, so I'm gonna watch it to see how bad it is and so I can go around complaining and telling people how much better the book was.

Morgan LP said...

I personally think it would be a good chance to see how other people take the symbols and undertones in the book. You might be surprised at the insight that could be gathered from something like this.
But on the other hand, unless done well, it could be horrific, in the sense that they could manipulate it until it meant nothing. Which sometimes happens in movies.