Your participation in postings, pictures, links and your responses to other student's posts will determine your final grade. The goal of this blog is to supplement what has been discussed, read or written in class. Occasionally I will post a query or task with the expectation that you will eagerly respond. The same respect and diplomacy that is expected of you in the classroom extends to blogging space.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mirror Image

I know we have a discussion about Mirror Image already, but I wanted to ask your opinions on something specifically said in this story. At the part when Alice and Jenny are watching the reporter on the television talking to Mrs. Jarred, the reporter asks Mrs. Jarred if science has gone too far. Do you think that if someone in the world today had a brain transplant, you would agree or think that science has gone too far? and should they consider things further before doing something like that?


s.todd said...

I do think it would be kind of interesting to feel like your inside someone elses body, yet I dont think its right to transplant someones brain just to prolong their life. When someone dies, that would be their time to. Dont try and fight it, its the cycle of life and you can never stop it fully so why try? So yes the experience would be amazing, but its wrong in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

At the current time we as a society can't really say whether or not this is right or wrong. To my knowledge this has yet to happen, so we can't really see the effect that it has on people. We can also have an opinion about it that may totally change if this happened to one of us or someone in your family. I personally think that these things are inevitable in the advancement of the human race and that we just need to accept them as possibilities.

Stephanie! said...

I think that the answer to this question lies on how much value we place on human life. I agree with s.todd, and I think that it's just the way the circle of life goes. We'll never be able to make people live forever (and if we could, that would definitely be taking science too far).

That's not to say that I'm against science. (Believe me, if you know me at all then you'll know that I love science.) I think that things like stem cell research are great, for example. If we can learn enough to prevent things like cancer or AIDS, that's fantastic. But completely switching bodies with someone to keep on living is ridiculous.

cedric said...

through out all of the advances in modern day science there has always been people who said that they have gone to far, but if science neer went"to far" then in reality man would have never evolved in to what it is now and will never eolve in to what it could be in the future. so what i really have to say is that in a way science has to break boundries and step on toes because if it dosent then we wont last that long.

Brandie said...

I would find it strange to see someone I knew walking around even though they were dead. It's fine for someone to get the organs of someone else's body but to get their entire body is just weird to me. Science would go too far if they could do a body transplant. But like tbar said since it hasn't been done we are unable to say how we would react to it. I also agree with s.todd, when it's someone's time to go you should just let them be. Don't try and bring them back.

Dakota said...

Sort of makes me think of Frankenstein. But I don't think someone would want a new brain, they would want a new body. Maybe brain transplant is a little misleading. I'm not really sure if our lawmakers and politicians would allow something like that to happen. Some moral and ethical issues definitely come up. On the other hand, I could see it really helping some people, like people who were paralyzed. But it gets very weird if you think about a female brain being transplanted into a male body - or vice versa.

aaujla said...

I would probably have a different point of view then the Ms. Jarrod because it might not be me that is having the transplant. But in response to the question I dont think that science has gone to far. This was the only way that Alice's family could save her.. I dont think you would waste this, if it was your only chance to save a loved one even if their personality changed.
If i was Mrs. Jarrod would really have to decide if i felt that using my dead daughters body would be a positive thing. I would probably be on the fence. The death of my daughter could aid another so in a way her spirit lived on. But then again i might just want to lay my daughter to rest and keep her in peace.