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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Mirror Image

So on Friday we were given the short story "Mirror Image". For those of you who have read it, what was you first impression of the story as you began to read? Did it turn out how you expected it to?


D-Clan said...

At first I didn't really understand what was going on. Then i learned about the brain transplant and i thought it was kind of interesting. I started thinking about if something like that was actually possible, and what would it be like if someone i knew was in someone else's body, or vice versa.

angel.wings said...

I was a little confused when I first started reading it, but then I read about what had happened to Alice. I sympathized with her. If that could happen, it would be so hard to re-adjust. Everything would be different.

Adrian Asphyxia said...

Its misleading in the beginning before you find out about the brain transplant,but then it just makes you wonder how incredible the repercussions would be for the family that had the recipient.
I'd feel worse for the recipient having to live the rest of their lives wondering if it even is really them or hating the fact that their old body was taken from them and for he family who looses but their child and the body leaving them with only memories of the loved one they have lost. I was actually surprised the father didn't try and convince her to come back with him seeings how her family was doubting her as theirs I think she may have actually gone with him if the opportunity ever arises.

K-MCL22 said...

I was really confused about this story when I first read it. After I had though about it and was thinking how uncomfortable and shocking that would be for the Jarrhead family. The dialogue was great, it brought a mood and tone to the story. Over this was an odd but interesting story.

Stephanie! said...

Like everyone else, this story confused me. After I'd finished it I had to get people to explain it to me. When I first started reading I thought Alice was anorexic or something, and then they mentioned the accident and the brain transplant, and I just became more confused. I liked the tone of the story, but I felt that having the story out of chronological order didn't really add anything good to the plot.

Brandie said...

When I first started reading the story I didn't really know quite what was going on. I was not expecting the brain transplant. I did feel sorry for her because that would be so weird to be in someone elses body and it would be hard to see that your family looks at you different. It was definitly an eye opener story to read.

Kar said...

I didnt really understand the story at first, which made me want to keep reading. I really enjoyed this story because it was weird and so hard to imagine. I would think that it would be really hard for all the characters in the story to adjust to the circumstances. I'm still having trouble figuring out that that could actually work though.

Stoney said...

It took me a really long time to understand what was going on in the story. It was such a wierd idea the whole brain/body transplant i had a tough time getting my head around it. That being said it was an interesting idea, i could sort of understand why jenny was feeling sad/mad about her twins change in appearance, and even the fact that her sister had changed so mucheven though she had the same brain... I also agree with angel wings though that its easy to sympathize with alice, it would be extreemely hard to re-adjust to her new body etc.. All in all, it was a strange story.

kristin said...

With the jumping around of events it was a little confusing and hard to follow and understand at first, until you found out about the brain transplant. It would be terribly hard to adjust to at first and for a long time after, getting used to being a new person. When Jenny talks about the part with your body being part of who you are I'd have to agree with her. Growing up the way you are and always have been, then one time you wake up with different feelings, tastes, smells, the way you walked and the way you perceived things. It would be hard not to become a different person than the one people around you knew you were.

cedric said...

to be perfectly honest my first impression on it was a but bleak. at the begining i thought it was just a boring short story but then i got in to t after we talked about how it was attached to alice and wonderland and how the girl had a brain transplant and i actualy got into it and thought that the author should of made it into a novel instead of a short story

aaujla said...

i just read it because im trying to catch up after missing a week. At the beginning of the story, when i was beginning to figure out that she got a new body somehow. I didnt think it was because of an accident. im not really sure what i thought it was.. but maybe something more curious than that. I dont know. Im just rambling on here. But despite this I still liked the story. It made me think about how i would deal with that kinda of situation. I think it would be really frustrating because of the strain on close relationships that I had.