Your participation in postings, pictures, links and your responses to other student's posts will determine your final grade. The goal of this blog is to supplement what has been discussed, read or written in class. Occasionally I will post a query or task with the expectation that you will eagerly respond. The same respect and diplomacy that is expected of you in the classroom extends to blogging space.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hills like White Elephants

I know we discussed this in class today but I would like to know how you felt about the story after finding out it was about abortion. What did you think about the man's response "it's a simple procedure."? What did you think about the woman's response to the situation?


Crls Spncr said...

Not to seem a male chauvinist, but think about this: There is not possible way the man could have POSSIBLY expressed his opinion on whether he would like to keep the fetus. You (girls - yes, I profiling) would have jumped and been offended at anything the man said except complete utter silence, and to have let the woman make the decision without his imput.

Remember, it's his "kid" too.

Anonymous said...
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Adrian Asphyxia said...

The man simply lost the argument the final decision is hers so he had show his true colors which although seem cruel may have been for the better,and although he runs from responsibility he is trying to run back to the life they had before,but ultimately left the final decision to the one who the greatest burden is upon but showed he could not have anything to do with it.

and so the decision is rightfully hers,but to let the life live is to essentially kill the lives of others.

Stephanie! said...

To a point, I agree with crls spncr. Obviously he didn't want to have the child, and no matter what way he expressed his feelings he would have come off as a complete jerk. While I can feel sympathy for the girl, I don't really respect her. It IS half her fault that she got pregnant in the first place.

Ashley said...

I thought that the man sounded a bit self-centered and selfish because he was basically saying that she was ruining their life togeather and that she should do it for them(him).

The woman seemed to be a little confused as well, she didn't seem to know what she wanted and was just listening to what he was saying.

In the end though it almost seemed to me like she had made up her mind. She said, "I'm just fine." It seems like she was saying she didn't want to change anything and wanted to keep the child.

angel.wings said...

honestly, it takes two to tango. it was equally her fault that she got pregnant. although i don't think that the man should have pressed his opinion on her. i can understand how the woman would be confused. when you're faced with a lfe and death situation, it kind of takes some thinking.