Your participation in postings, pictures, links and your responses to other student's posts will determine your final grade. The goal of this blog is to supplement what has been discussed, read or written in class. Occasionally I will post a query or task with the expectation that you will eagerly respond. The same respect and diplomacy that is expected of you in the classroom extends to blogging space.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

What do you think the significance is of Amir and Soraya's inability to have a child?

Share your thoughts with the class because I'm sure there are a lot of opinions that can be expressed on this topic. Is it because they are just physically not able to? They dont want to? their history doesnt allow it? Why do they have this inability?


Stoney said...

I think that it is significant that Amir and Soroya are unable to have children, and there could be many factors in terms of what the author wanted to say by having this turn of events in their life. This could be related pscyologically to what Amir was a witness to as a child, how witnessing Hassan getting raped could be a symbol of loss of innocence, thus the reason why Amir and Soraya are unable to have children, if we think of children as innocence. Also Amir's guilt could be so strong that its playing a significant part in all of this. Who knows. Its an interesting thought though.

Brandie said...

I believed at first that it was physically impossible that they couldn't concieve a child but when nothing was found wrong with them, I began to wonder. It is significant to the story because it shows that both their pasts have come back to haunt and especially Amir's. Without ruining the book for those who haven't read that far, there is a turn in the story that makes it significant that they didn't have a child.

angel.wings said...

I think it's significant because if they did have a child, Amir would probabaly be less inclined to go find Sohrab, and he would never redeem himself for the guilt he feels about what happened to Hassan.

D-Clan said...

I think that Amir and Soraya can't have a child because they're being "punished". I think it's psychological but i think they're religion falls into it too. Maybe god is punishing Amir for what he did to Hassan by just leaving him there. I think it's god's plan or whatever for Amir to go and find sohrab to repay hassan for everything he has done in the past.

Winnifred said...

I agree with D-clan; I believe there was some sort of plan in place for the integration of Sohrab into Amir's family. If he'd had another child, his love would have been divided between two children. Sohrab needed all of their love after what he'd been through.

Crls Spncr said...

Most of the comments are pretty dead on in this thread, but mostly it seems focused on Amir (for obvious reasons).

It might also be partially connected to Soraya's past.

s.todd said...

just to add onto the latest one, Soraya did have a past of bad relationships. So maybe somthing happening in the past one that made her think otherwise about having a child, or perhaps the husband did something to her. But definately its mostly because of what Amir witsessed as a kid. Definately their pasts are the significance of their inability.

Stephanie! said...

I agree with crls spncr. Soraya's past isn't quite pure, either. It all comes back to karma. I think their infertility is more symbolic than psychological.

Kar said...

I agree that it is probably psychological. Since both of them have pasts that make them feel guilty. I also think that maybe they can't have a child because if they did them Amir might not look for Sorab.

aaujla said...

I think it could be something within Amir. Its not that he doesnt want a child, but subconsciously he is so paralyzed by the guilt of what he did to Hassan. He's punishing himself, or preventing himself from possibly destroying another boys life.

Dakota said...

I think this might have something to do with the pasts of both characters, Amir and Soraya. Perhaps their experiences might have done something, it might be physical or mental, but something happened in the past that has affected their future.

Adam M said...

I believe that in writing this portion of the story, the author was trying to create a parallel for the reader between Baba not being able to have another child with his wife and Amir not being able to have a child with his wife.

perez.hilton said...

There are a few ways that Amir and Soraya's inability of having a child can refect on their past. I can see how many God didn't think Amir deserved to have a child because of what he has done in the past. I see how Amir had to find goodness by finding Hassan's son and that is a way for him to revive himself.