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Friday, April 25, 2008

The Life of PI

For those of you who have started the Life of Pi what do you think so far? When I read it the first time, I found it slow at first to get into, are you finding that as well? Finally, do you like how the author writes?


Crls Spncr said...

I just started it (not even finished the first full chapter) but I find the way he writes amusing. Not much has happened, but I think it's gonna be a great read.

Stephanie! said...

I'm on chapter five right now, and so far I like it. The narration is interesting and witty, despite how it seems slightly irrelevant. It's pretty obvious that the author has studied philosophy and has added some religious undertones. I'm looking forward to really get into the novel.

Winnifred said...

I haven't really started yet, just the first few pages, but the content seems already like something I will like and enjoy reading. I like books that are outside the norm, so this should be a good read for me.

Adam M said...

I read the author's notes, and it sounds like a very interesting story, just in the way it developed; it seems like he has some good insights into world philosophies. I am looking forward to getting further into the story, as I've heard it is very good.

D-Clan said...

Well i've heard alot about Life of Pi. Some people have their opinions and say that it's terribly boring. Other people have said it's good. I don't really know what to expect but i'm hoping it's not along the boring side. Nothing has happened in the book so far for me but i find that the author writes in an amusing way. The story seems interesting so far so i would like to see what happens later on.

kristin said...

I like it so far, there isn't really anything that has put me off yet. He seems to write a lot of information about zoos, and the animals and what they go through. It seems intriguing, and bit slow, but not so boring like people have said.

K-MCL22 said...

I am really into this book right now. The author has a great use of vocabulary and this book is consterverial subjects, religion and zoos. I am interested to read further into the book.

Kar said...

So far the book hasnt really captured me but i think that it has the potential to do so. I think that the further I read the more i will like it. I like the author's writting style because it is amusing.

perez.hilton said...

How the author writes is very different from what I am use to reading, although I think that it is very informative and sort of overwhelming in a sense. I don't prefer reading books about religion because it's not really of any interest to me but hopefully this book has a good storyline to it. So far it sort of seems like it's not really going anywhere but I am looking forward to the second part because I've heard that it is good.

angel.wings said...

the author writes in a really smart and witty way. but the book is really slow and i find it kind of hard to get into.

Stephanie! said...

If anyone likes witty writing with seemingly no plot, I reccomend reading anything by JD Salinger. A lot of it is kind of philosophical and sarcastic, and it's more character driven than plot driven. (Well, Catcher in the Rye is more cynical than philosophical, but most of his other work isn't as depressing.)

Anonymous said...

Almost everyone that I know that has read the book found that the first 100 pages or so were quite slow. I on the other hand are finding it very interesting, I'm not sure what it is but I like the style in which the author writes.