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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

"The Kite Runner"..... so far

Likes? Dislikes? Questions? Post away people!!!


Stephanie! said...

I hate how I'm always the first person to reply, but... oh well.

So far I really like The Kite Runner. The way it's written is fantastic and the way the words flow make the story interesting. Considering I'm REALLY easily bored by social studies, that's saying a lot. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Also, I really like the characters. They seem really realistic.

Anonymous said...

For starters, Has anyone actually finished the book yet?

Kite runner is one of my favorites. I always cry at the end because it so sad.

angel.wings said...

i'm really enjoying it so far. it is beautifully written and i can sometimes feel like i'm right there in the story. i agree with stephanie! about the characters. they are easy to relate to and definately realistic.

Winnifred said...

I am so far very much enjoying The Kite Runner. I have always enjoyed stories that relate to events in humanity's history, so this is appealing to me very much, and I assume that it is going to comment on the social cast system and perhaps the Taliban in Afghanistan. I could be way off the mark, but even if I am I know I will enjoy the story. It is a story about growing up, learning and changing. I am, so far, enthralled.

kristin said...

Considering I don't generally read books like this it is really very good. I like it a lot so far, but it is not one of the best books I've read... so far at least.

K-MCL22 said...

From someone who does not read a lot, this book is very addictive and interesting. There was a lot of information I did not know about Afghanistan earlier decades. This book has a cultural aspect that can be confusing but knowledgeable. I am excited to read the entire story then listen to it and find out the comparison in the the original language.

Stephanie! said...

It's interesting that most people have said "it's not the kind of book that I normally read." What do you think makes this book different?

Adam M said...

This book is so well written, in that it combines large amounts of fact with fiction, however, the fiction does not twist the facts in the ways that other stories do - it could easily be taken as a true story!
The characters themselves really help to make this story as good as it is, they way they grow, and interact with one another is very true to life, allowing the reader to really be able to compare the situations with their personal reactions to other situations, drawing the reader closer to the text!!!

Brandie said...

I like the book so far but it is a little bit disturbing in some parts. I really don't like Amir right now though because he should have never framed Hassan for stealing his things.

perez.hilton said...

The Kite Runner is probably one of the best written books I've read. Considering I don't really read many novels there's not much competition anyways! I really enjoy how much imagery there is in the story. It helps the reader to actually feel like they are there and it brings me to a better understanding of the story. The way the author explains the characters' feelings or actions really make you feel as if you are the characters and know how they are feeling at that time.

Kar said...

I really have enjoyed this story so far. The characters are very believable and the story is written in a manor that makes you want to keep reading. Its a really good story and i like the history side of it as well. For me its one of those books that I don't want to put down and only do when my eyes start to hurt.

D-Clan said...

I am not a huge book fan, but the Kite Runner is not a bad story. It is very releveant to modern day issues that happen in the same place now. Things like that happen down there and the kite runner gives the readers a good outlook.

Crls Spncr said...

Despite potentional dislikes towards this story for it's clever propoganda, the author's style is quite intoxicating. It clouds our judgement and makes us keep going.

aaujla said...

Ive only read stephanies reply but i agree with her. The characters do really seem realistic. Amir seems like a typical young boy who is trying to figure out how the world works. Im not saying that i agree with his actions, but i can see where he's coming from.
I really like the book so far. Its written well so its easy to read...i always find that if the author spends 2 pages describing something as insignicant as the shoes that the character is wearing i start to skip paragraphs and get really bored..