Your participation in postings, pictures, links and your responses to other student's posts will determine your final grade. The goal of this blog is to supplement what has been discussed, read or written in class. Occasionally I will post a query or task with the expectation that you will eagerly respond. The same respect and diplomacy that is expected of you in the classroom extends to blogging space.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


I know Amir has been high on the topic list, but what do you guys think about the other characters in this book. Like Hassan and his unquestioned loyalty towards Amir, and how hard it would have been for him knowing that Amir knew about his rape and that he framed him. Or Baba and the way he treated Amir, comparing him to Hassan, Amir always struggling for attention.


Stephanie! said...

I like Rahim Khan a lot. I think he's one of the most respectable characters, especially once you get further in the novel.

If you haven't read up to chapter 18-ish, then don't read this...

Despite Rahim Khan knowing of Amir's past actions, the way he treats Amir never changes. In fact, he wishes only good for him. I love how he seeks out Hassan and then allows Amir to redeem himself.

Crls Spncr said...

Hassan is one of my favorite characters ever.
I don't think I've read about many characters or met many people that are such incredible, unwavering friends, especially to people so undeserving as Amir. He seemed ready to die for Amir when Assef threatened him, while Amir has done almost nothing for Hassan.

And despite this incredible strenght in Hassan, he remains completely believable.

Also, I agree with "stephanie!". Rahim Khan is another amazing guy.

Winnifred said...

Personaly I quite like the character of Farid. His changing attitude towards Amir throughout their journey is very intriguing. His develloping friendship is also nice to see, especially after he finds out why Amir is going to Kabul.

Brandie said...

I agree with stephanie, I like Rahim Khan. He has always been there for Amir when Amir's father didn't want to be. He's supportive, caring, sympathetic and loving towards other people.

angel.wings said...

My favortie character has to be Hassan. His unwavering loyalty is inspiring. It makes me want to be as good a friend as he is. Even when Amir doesn't stick up for him, he still remains true and takes the blame for something he didn't do. While he is a very realistic character, it is very rare to see that kind of courage.

D-Clan said...

I have to say that Hassan would be my favourite character. He just seemed so genuine and thoughtful. He wouldn't hurt anybody that didn't deserve it and CERTAINLY wouldn't sit back and watch his best friend know the rest..

Kar said...

I love both Hassan and Rahim Khan. Hassan is an amazing friend and has a loyalty that is hard to find these days. Although he is quiet he is very wise and admire him for that. I like Rahim Khan because he finds the good in people and only looks at that. He was always kind to Amir and encouraging. Despite what he knows about Amir he has faith in him.