Your participation in postings, pictures, links and your responses to other student's posts will determine your final grade. The goal of this blog is to supplement what has been discussed, read or written in class. Occasionally I will post a query or task with the expectation that you will eagerly respond. The same respect and diplomacy that is expected of you in the classroom extends to blogging space.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Welcome to our class blog! As our first task, I would like everyone to share one of their favorite books with the class. The latest book I read was "No Country For Old Men" by Cormac McCarthy. It is full of rich themes, is totally accessible and the character development is phenomenal. If you've read this book or seen the movie I'd love to know what you think! Post away!(There is a worthy contender to Iago in this book/movie)


Winnifred said...

I read a LOT of books, so it's difficult to choose jsut one. But aside from the obvious, and (I'm sure) well read ones like Harry Potter and the like, my fave book is called The Swarm. It was written in German originally, but was translated into English and has to do with a catastrophe involving the worlds oceans. It is very well written and provocative. It is also a bit scary as it is both plausible and chilling.

aaujla said...

I think the best book that I've read would have to be My Sisters Keeper by Jodi Picoult. Its about this family that has been dealing with their oldest daughter having cancer and how that affects her brother and sister. Its really sad but has different perspectives from all the characters so its really interesting the way that they explain the history of the people and how theyre connected.

Morgan LP said...

Books are fanatastic creations, and although i am a serious movie lover, i always enjoy a good book. My favourite book of all time is "A wrinkle in time" by madeliene L'engle (sp?). I read it in grade 5, so its probably not one you would want to pick up now. but if you feel like a light super easy read its a good one. its a beautiful story.
but right now i am reading "scar Tissue" about Anthony Keidis, lead singer of the red hot chili peppers. he is a super interesting guy, and if you are looking for something controversial, its full of it. Its a good read.

Stephanie! said...

Hm, I don't read a lot unless I really love a book. I guess my favourite (other than Harry Potter) is 1984.

1984 is awesome because it's based in a completely messed up future that's scarily believable. It's really well written and definitely makes you think.

kristin said...

So far in my book reading, I would say the trilogy of Sabriel by Garth Nix are the best books I've read. They are fantasy books and the first book starts with Sabriel who has to find her father in death. They are both necromancers, people who put the living dead to rest, and can walk through death. She comes to face a greater dead creature with great power and has to defeat him. The second and third book run off each other and are about Sabriel's son and a daughter of the Clayer and their adventure of stopping an ancient evil that will destroy their world.

Adam M said...

I don't always get a lot of time to read, but I must say that my favourite book is "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton. It's a great book mixing both scientific evidence and fictional situations to create an amazing story about global warming. It starts off a little slow, but as you keep reading everything comes together, connecting characters you would never think would meet! If anyone's a fan of drama/action/non-fiction style books, it's a great one!

mike said...

I think one of the best book thar I've read would be "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury. It is about a future world where people are not allowed to read or have books because books are the source of all evil. In this future the fire brigades job is to burn books and start fires in houses where they found any books.
It is very well written and from time to time really funny.

K-MCL22 said...

One of my favourite books is To Kill A Mockingbird. This book changed my views and opinion on the racisim in the Southern United States. Also, I like Harry Potter series because they are extremely creative and interesting.

Brandie said...

The last book that caught my eye was The White Oleander by Janet Fitch. It was about a young girl who gets moved around in foster homes and during her stay with each foster parent she learns more about what she wants and not about what her mother needs, who by the way is in jail for killing her ex-boyfriend. It is quite a moving book, well I thought it was. And the movie wasn't that bad either because usually movies just destroy the true meaning of the book but this one did not.

Anonymous said...

Rock on to Harry potter. I've never had a chance to read To kill a mocking bird but I keep hearing how amazing it is so i might some day. I have too many favorite books to name, but the ones at the top of the list right now is Speak by Laurie Anderson and Twilight By Stephenie Meyer.

Dakota said...

My favorite book is probably Stephen King's "The Stand." Stephen King's books are particularly interesting to me, as well as David Gemmell. English isn't my strongest subject, but I hope to improve in th is class!

D-Clan said...

I'm not particuarly into books and the whole reading thing but I'd have to say my favourite book is Holes by Lewis Sachar, i think that's how it's spelt. The book was entertaining and clever because it had multiple story lines that all led into one. I would definitely reccomend it.

angel.wings said...

These all sound like fantastic books. I've read a few like White Oleander and Harry Potter and I enjoyed them a lot. The Twilght series by Stephanie Meyer has to be my favorite as well, but another book that I enjoyed is Middlesex by Jeffery Eugenides. This book is about the life and family history of Calliope Stephanides who is a hermaphodite. It's pretty much about Calliope finding who she really is and becoming Cal. It's beautifully written and really makes you think.

JacquelineNicole said...

My favorite book I would have to say is Are You There God? Its Me, Margaret. by Judy Blume. This book in my opinion doesn't really bring anything much intellectual to the table, but really its more of a leisurely read and heart warming almost. It follows Margaret through her sixth grade year at a new school, her friends and growing up. Its definitely aimed at a younger age group, but ever since the first time I read it the book has stuck with me.

in reply to the user angel.wings I'm only a hundred pages into Middle Sex, and I already love it, although this is my 3rd time starting the book, I find that its written quite detailed in the lives of the characters, and although this adds a certain interest to the book it also makes it very slow, I have to disagree (so far) with it making you think, but it is a very beautiful book.

s.todd said...

So im not surprised that almost everyone said that Harry Potter was amazing, and im sure its great, but ive never read them so i dont have anything to add onto that. But i do know that Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is a great book and that all of you should try to read it. Its a very entertaining book and has a good storyline with little twists and sorts in it. Its not only a fantastic read, but its also a work of art.

Stephanie! said...

Everyone who has mentioned Harry Potter wins a gold star.

Also, a few people have mentionned the Twilight series which I should probably read (considering everyone and their mother has recommended it to me). I tried reading the first chapter a while ago and hated the main character. Does it take a while to get into?

Kar said...

Well I'd have to say that my favorite books are definently the Harry Potter series because they're so well written. They're the kind of books that once you start reading you just dont want to put down. I also read a book in the summer called "Sharing Sam" by Katherine Applegate, which is also a really good book about friendship, love, and loss.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that i don't really have a favorite. At any on time I usually have any where from 4-7 books on the go. I do tend to stay with Sci-Fi and Fantasy, although I am a fan of Tom Clancy and Jack Higgins.

Tracy L said...

Twilight did take a little while to get into. A few chapters in, when Bella (the main character) first sees the Cullen's, you'll be entranced. She seems kinda lame at first, and no doubt there are things she does that make you angry, but you can't help but love her once you get into the story.

My favorite books of all time would have to be the cirque de freak series by Darren Shan. I can't pick one favorite (there are twelve in total), and they are all captivating. They are the only books i have ever come across (apart from some of his others) that have made me so angry at the story i threw the books across the room.

perez.hilton said...

My favorite book that I have read so far is probably The Bitch Posse. Its about three girls who do a lot of hard drugs and always get into trouble. They are all kind of "outsiders" and people from they're school don't really like them because they're known as the "lesbian witches" at their school. They all do have some kind of bisexuality and they all run into problems with boys and having a hard family life. They all learn a lesson in the end when they end up murdering one of their ex boyfriends using spells and witchcraft, but they actually just cut him to death.
In response to the other comments I personally would never in my life read a Harry Potter book. Although I am kind of obsessed with the movies. Why would you spend all that time reading such a time consuming book. It's kind of pointless when you can watch the movie in two hours! Thats what I do! <3

Morgan said...

Ok so i'm in the same boat as winnifred, i read a lot and i just can't seem to chose a favorite book. I enjoy the Harry Potter books, and I love the books by David Eddings, they are incredible. So really i don't have a favorite book, i'll read just about anything and have read many books several times.

Ashley said...

Personally I really don't have just ONE favorite...lets see...Twilight series, Uglies series, Eragon series, A Series of Unfurtunate Events, there are just tooooo many that I have read and I really just couldn't tell you which on is my favorite.

Crls Spncr said...

In response to "Ashley"'s comment, I also enjoyed the Inheritence series (Eragon etc.). It wasn't geniusly written - he tends to overdescribe and not all of his ideas are original - however it was still an extremely nice story to read. I think I finished the second the day it came out.